tirsdag, februar 20, 2007

Kjære Norman MacCaig

Norman MacCaig er etter min mening en av verdens beste diktere. Enten man liker dikt eller ikke; man bare MÅ elske Norman MacCaig. Check him out!


Frogs sit more solid
than anything sits. In mid-leap they are
parachutists falling
in a free fall. They die on roads
with arms across their chests and
heads high.

I love frogs that sit
like Buddha, that fall without
parachutes, that die
like Italian tenors.

Above all, I love them because,
pursued in water, they never
panic so much that they fail
to make stylish triangles
with their ballet dancer's

"People haven't got the interest in long long works these days. A lack of interest which I share."

(Norman MacCaig)

3 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

God bedring vennen min, jeg håper du kommer på skolen i morgen. L hilser.


Anonym sa...

veldig bra skrevet. skal gruble litt på det dikter ;)
gleder meg til onsdag!

Anonym sa...

Er du i live? *vil ha oppdateringer*